Council of British Archaeology (Yorkshire) - Charitable organisation promote greater public knowledge and involvement in the historic environment of Yorkshire. Also publishes the FORUM Yorkshire Journal.
Heritage Gateway - Search records from various national heritage datasets, including Historic Environment Records
Historic England - England’s government service providing expert advice on heritage protection and designated historic assets.
National Heritage List of England - Search the national dataset of listed buildings, scheduled monuments, registered battlefields and parks, gardens and cemeteries.
Portable Antiquities Scheme - Search the database of archaeological objects found by members of the public in England and Wales.
West Yorkshire Archive Service - The archives hold historical documents for all the five districts of West Yorkshire.
West Yorkshire Heritage Forum - An online meeting place to promote local heritage events and news.
Yorkshire Archaeological Society - A society promoting the history and archaeology of the whole of Yorkshire. Holds regular events and lectures, and publishes The Yorkshire Archaeological Journal. Also maintains its own library and archives.