Working with criminal investigators and victims of crime to identify criminal gain, restrain assets and seek compensation for vulnerable victims.
The West Yorkshire Financial Investigation Service offers confiscation and money laundering investigation services to Local Authorities and other public sector agencies across the North of England.
Our team of Accredited Financial Investigators are trained in undertaking money laundering and confiscation investigations under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 and we are able to identify and restrain assets for the purpose of confiscation. Our Financial Intelligence Officers support our investigations with financial intelligence and evidence gathering.
We support criminal investigations and contribute to restorative justice for the benefit of vulnerable consumers across West Yorkshire and beyond. We do this by
Our team has experience of working with a wide variety of enforcement teams across Local Authorities. We have an in-depth understanding of Local Authority structure and processes, giving us the ability to support and enhance criminal enquiries or undertake the investigation in its entirety depending on resources.
We strive to provide a high level of customer service, keeping you informed throughout the process and ensuring the best possible outcome.