Motor Trade Partnership

By becoming a member of the Motor Trade Partnership, businesses are able to prove that they are recognised by West Yorkshire Trading Standards as adhering to fair selling practices and provide high levels of customer service

With highly publicised mis-selling practices coupled with high numbers of customer complaints, some consumers are apprehensive when it comes to buying a vehicle or choosing where to have their vehicle serviced or repaired.

This means that it can be difficult for car dealerships and garages to gain trust, especially if they are new start-ups and are working hard to build a reputation.

For consumer confidence across the region, West Yorkshire Trading Standards introduced the Motor Trade Partnership in 2001. The scheme is dedicated to upholding high standards of customer service so that residents across West Yorkshire can buy with confidence.

Why join Motor Trade Partnership?

With the rise in social media it is increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd. Consumers are no longer making decisions based upon price as they look to reviews and accreditations to provide them with confidence that they will be treated fairly.

As a Motor Trade Partnership member, consumers can be confident that you:

  • Partake in annual audits by West Yorkshire Trading Standards;
  • Have an approved customer complaints procedure;
  • Are thoroughly compliant with all relevant legislation regarding the sale of new and/or used vehicles;
  • Carry out thorough vehicle checks to ensure each is fit for sale.



Membership benefits

Being a member of the Motor Trade Partnership will help show customers that you are reputable and are committed to providing a quality service. If you meet our membership criteria you will receive the following benefits:

  • You can display the Motor Trade Partnership logo across your marketing collateral, including social media (Facebook and Twitter), website, showroom and brochures
  • You will be recognised by West Yorkshire Trading Standards for your excellent business standards and practice and as such, consumers will also recognise this
  • You will be showing consumers across West Yorkshire that you operate in a legal, fair and honest way with a link to your business website from our website - click here to view the Consumer Advice section of our website;
  • You will have a dedicated Trading Standards point of contact who will be on hand to provide guidance on areas such as customer complaints and legal compliance. Our objective is that all consumer issues are to be resolved before ADR stage;
  • Assistance with the analysis of any customer complaints to identifying trends and help resolve root cause to reduce overall complaints;
  • Regular updates on consumer law changes to enable you to keep your staff up-to-date on legal issues and challenges. Plus training is available to members at a discounted cost.
  • Annual presentation of excellent customer service awards to eligible members
  • Access to WYTSS Alternative Dispute Resolution Scheme (ADR) at a reduced cost or included in Premium Membership
  • Training courses provided at discounted rates
  • Opportunities for publicity through various media channels
  • Your business information listed on our dedicated MTP page on our website 

A number of business across West Yorkshire are already seeing the benefit of being a member of the Motor Trade Partnership. One example is Jayray Vehicle Solutions who chose to become a member to provide customers with confidence that they are having their vehicle looked at by a reputable garage - click here to view case study.


How to join Motor Trade Partnership

Before you can become a member of the Motor Trade Partnership, you will have to meet specific criteria and checks set by West Yorkshire Trading Standards. For more information about the process and all of the benefits you can enjoy please contact us by email or call 0113 5350000 and ask to speak to a member of the Motor Trade Partnership Team.


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