Product Safety

Trading Standards enforce a wide range of legislation relating to the safety of consumer products.

This involves working with businesses who manufacture or import products to ensure adequate testing and and certification is carried out, and investigating consumer complaints regarding unsafe products.

If you have safety concern regarding a product you have bought please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.

The links below provide some specific information and guidance:

  • ROSPA - ROSPA are a registered charity and have been at the heart of accident prevention in the UK and around the world for almost 100 years. Click on the following link for useful advice about product safety.
  • Trading Standards Recalls - It is possible that products can make it onto the market with a safety risk. If this occurs then a product safety recall is issued. Information concerning all the latest product recalls can be found using the following link. Click on the product that is relevant to you find advice on what steps you should now take.
  • Safer Fireworks - Useful information on firework safety.
  • Preventing Children's Accidents -  Useful information on preventing children’s accidents.
  • Register an ApplianceConsumer will be notified if product is subject to a recall.

Child Safety Resources

The following posters are useful resources that highlight the hazardous risks present in some products, if not kept safely out of reach of young children:






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