Submission of Ecological Records

Wintersett reservoir

We are always interested in receiving your wildlife records.

To help us to efficiently add these to our database we ask that the following information be included: 


The recorder’s full name and contact details (please note that we do not give this information out to third parties). 


What species was seen. Please be as precise as you can and give the common name and/or the scientific name. 


The full date of the observation. 


Ideally a six figure grid reference e.g. SE514241 and the name of the locality, please try to provide as much detail as possible. 

Any further information

This can provide very useful context e.g. numbers seen, habitat information, breeding, track and signs, sett, male or female etc. Please send any supporting digital photographs with your record should you have any. 

We prefer records to be sent by:

However we also accept records in the following formats:

  • on paper to the WYES office (West Yorkshire Ecology Service, West Yorkshire Joint Services, Nepshaw Lane South, Morley, Leeds, LS27 0QP)
  • by email to


  • Records are accepted by WYES on the understanding that you agree that the information can be entered on to our database and used for the conservation of the biodiversity of West Yorkshire including dissemination to 3rd parties in line with WYES policies (recorder’s contact details will NOT be given out to third parties).
  • Recorder’s personal information is only required should any additional details or clarification of records be needed and will only be retained until the record has been entered onto the WYES database.
  • WYES retains the right not to add records to the database.

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