*If you would like to consult the West Yorkshire Ecological Record please contact us by e-mail. Charges are made for commercial consultations but are generally free to members of the public.
By appointment:
9.30am - 5.00pm Monday to Friday
Please note our NEW main telephone number for WYES is 0113 535 3015
Robert Masheder, Senior Ecologist
t: 0113 535 3178
e: Robert.Masheder@wyjs.org.uk
(General data centre queries, ecological issues relating to forward planning and development control)
Laura Mansfield, Ecological Records Officer
t: 0113 535 3177
e: Laura.Mansfield@wyjs.org.uk
(Data requests, new ecological records)
Rachel Huxham, Ecology Officer
t: 0113 535 3211
e: Rachel.Huxham@wyjs.org.uk
(Local Wildlife Sites, Biodiversity Net Gain, new ecological records)
North and East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre
Bradford Metropolitan District Council
David Campbell, Biodiversity Officer - David.Campbell@bradford.gov.uk
Calderdale Council
Hugh Firman, Conservation Officer - Hugh.Firman@calderdale.gov.uk
Kirklees Council
(please contact ecology@wyjs.org.uk for details)
Leeds Council
Richard Marsh, Senior Nature Conservation Officer - Richard.J.Marsh@leeds.gov.uk
Wakefield Council
Andrew Higham, Senior Ecologist - ahigham@wakefield.gov.uk