Archive Review


In 2018 and 2019, ASWYAS embarked on excavations at five locations connected to the Cottingham and Orchard Park Flood Alleviation Scheme (COPFAS). This archaeological mitigation preceded a proposed flood alleviation initiative.

 The excavations covered five distinct areas revealing rectangular ditches outlining spaces likely used as paddocks and fields during the Iron Age and Roman periods. These areas also yielded an assortment of prehistoric pottery hinting at the origins of these field patterns. The layout of fields and tracks from the post-Roman era might have influenced medieval and modern field and routeway patterns.

 Notably, one area uncovered a Roman-style farmstead dating from the 2nd to the later 4th centuries AD. This villa-like structure, accompanied by a wealth of artefacts and environmental remains, provided valuable insights into the socio-economic dynamics of Romano-British society in East Yorkshire.

 ASWYAS’ assessment of the archive and finds pinpointed additional areas of work, promising a deeper understanding of the archaeological features and structures through further finds analysis and radiocarbon dating.

 The upcoming phase of this post-excavation project aims to comprehensively analyse all finds groups and to share the results. By doing so, the site and its archaeological remains will be contextualised within the broader landscape, preserving and promoting a richer understanding of our past. We are planning to provide updates along this journey and look forward to sharing with you as we delve into the intricacies of this captivating post-excavation journey!

 The initial step in this archaeological post-excavation project was extracting the archive from its secure storage. The team is currently reacquainting itself with the material, unveiling the carefully stored artefacts and documents, before embarking on an extensive post-excavation programme.